Lenneke Benders






Do you remember how curious you were as a child? Each place seemed like a huge new world brimming with adventures. Every nook had to be explored, every texture had to be touched—that's how photography feels to me. Normally, my mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, consumed every minute of every day. Yet, photography has taught me that pausing, even momentarily, to observe my surroundings can expose incredible beauty. Often, these moments slip by unnoticed as we rush past, lost in our thoughts or fixated on screens.

"Land of the Peacock" is an exhibition where I invite you to embrace your inner curiosity. The pictures were taken in Greece in 2022 and show my discoveries in a new land — colours, textures, and objects, some of which are easy to miss, and overlooked in our haste. By pausing and lingering to observe a moment longer, as I did, you you might be surprised at what you find. Be curious again, like a child, let it lead and explore everything as if it’s your first time seeing it. Find little treasures everywhere.

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